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Superfood Freekeh: Know THESE 5 benefits of Green Wheat

Freekeh is a versatile grain that can be enjoyed in various ways. You can cook it like rice, add it to salads, soups, and stews, or use it as a stuffing for vegetables. With its impressive nutrient profile and potential health benefits, freekeh is a superfood worth adding to your diet.

Written By: Rahul Pratyush @29_pratyush New Delhi Published on: June 04, 2024 15:31 IST
Image Source : GOOGLE Superfood Freekeh: Know 5 benefits of Green Wheat

Freekeh, sometimes called "green wheat," is an ancient grain gaining popularity for its impressive nutritional profile. Made from young wheat kernels roasted before they fully ripen, freekeh boasts a nutty flavour and a chewy texture. But beyond its unique taste, freekeh packs a powerful punch of health benefits. Let's dive into five reasons why you should consider adding this superfood to your diet.

Nutrient-rich powerhouse: 

Freekeh is a whole grain, meaning it contains the bran, germ, and endosperm of the wheat kernel. This provides a wealth of nutrients, including fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It's a good source of dietary fibre, essential for digestive health and promoting feelings of fullness. Freekeh is also rich in B vitamins, which play a role in energy metabolism and brain function, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc, which support various bodily functions.

Brain boosting properties: 

Freekeh contains several B vitamins, which are essential for cognitive function. These vitamins play a role in memory, focus, and mood regulation. Additionally, freekeh's iron content can help improve oxygen flow to the brain, further supporting cognitive health.

Heart-healthy benefits: 

Freekeh is a good source of dietary fibre, which can help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Additionally, freekeh may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can further benefit cardiovascular health.

A good source of plant-based protein: 

Freekeh is a good option for vegetarians and vegans looking to boost their plant-based protein intake. While not a complete protein source like meat, freekeh can be combined with other plant-based proteins like legumes to create complete protein meals.

Weight management support: 

Due to its high fibre content and protein content, freekeh can be a valuable tool for weight management. Fiber keeps you feeling full, reducing cravings and helping you control calorie intake. Protein also promotes satiety and helps build muscle mass, which can further support weight management efforts.

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