There is a gland in the body of men called the prostate, about whose health people are careless. There is no worry, people consider prostate problems as trivial. Because a cure is 100% possible. But only when the treatment is done on time, otherwise even the curable disease of the prostate becomes fatal. This means that understand the philosophy of 'right time-right action'. Whether the problem is small or big, do not take it lightly. Eliminate it with yoga practice and panacea Ayurvedic remedies. Create a Yogic Suraksha Chakra. For this, let us know from Swami Ramdev how to strengthen immunity as well as what are the remedies for curing the kidney, bladder, urethra and prostate i.e. pelvic floor.
What is the prostate problem?
Men have a prostate gland. Tissues start growing inside this gland. Due to this, the size of the gland starts increasing. The enlarged gland stops urine flow and you have trouble passing urine. This problem starts occurring in men as they grow older.
Causes of prostate problems
As age increases, there are complaints of enlarged prostate glands. Apart from this, poor lifestyle is a major reason for this. Post covid effects are also becoming a reason for this. Prostate problems can also occur due to genetic problems. The problem of enlarged prostate can start at the age of 40. After 80 years, prostate problems increase to 90%.
Prostate problems and diseases?
- Urinary tract infection
- Bladder Infection
- Kidney problem
- Prostate cancer
- Prostate problem
- PSA Level Condition
- 0-4 Normal
- 4-10 infections
- More than 10 serious infections Prostate cancer
- More than 20 advanced-stage prostate cancer
Effective remedies for prostate
There are many remedies in Ayurveda which can reduce the problem of prostate. For this, mix a bottle of gourd juice, 7 basil leaves, 5 black peppers and drink it. This can solve the problem to a great extent. Apart from this, giloy, basil, neem, wheat grass, and aloe vera work as a panchamrit for prostate cancer.
Effective decoction for prostate
You can also drink a decoction for prostate. For this, boil 10 grams of Gokhru, and 10 grams of Kanchnar in two glasses of water and filter it when half a glass of water remains. Drink the decoction when it cools down in the morning and evening. Apart from this, Patharchata is also beneficial in this. Eat 5 leaves each in the morning and evening.