In adolescence, there is a change in the hormones of everyone, whether it is a boy or a girl. At this age, boys start growing beards and many changes start appearing in the bodies of girls too. It is common for girls to have light hair on their faces, but sometimes the hair becomes very thick and black. Girls get a lot of hair on their upper lip and chin. This could be due to hormonal changes in the body and for many other reasons. Let us know from the doctor what are the reasons for this.
According to Dr Bhumesh Tyagi, Professor of the Internal Medicine Department of Sharda Hospital, sometimes the reason for excessive hair growth in the body of women is genetic. This can happen if someone in the family has excess hair.
Apart from this, there can be many other reasons also.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – It is called PCOS in which the hormonal balance gets disturbed due to swelling in the ovaries. In such a situation, black and thick hair grows on the face of women. Its symptoms are irregular periods, weight gain and rapid hair fall.
Increase in male hormones- Many times, when hormonal changes are taking place in the body, the male hormone 'testosterone' starts increasing in the body. In such a condition, more hair starts growing on the face and other parts of the body. Due to this hormone, sometimes the voice of women also starts becoming heavy.
Disturbance in enzymes- Many times, some essential enzymes start deficient in women's bodies. In such a condition, male hormones increase in the body. Due to this, unwanted hair starts growing on the skin of women.
Reaction to medicines- Some medicines also react. As a side effect of steroids, glucocorticoids and minoxidil, hair starts growing rapidly on the skin. Women who are taking hormonal therapy may also have problems with facial hair growth.
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