In India, eye twitching is associated with auspicious and inauspicious signs. Many times you must have heard people say that today the right or left eye is twitching, it is not known whether it will be good or bad. Most people have such a belief about eye twitching. But in the world of medical science, sometimes eye twitching for some time is a normal thing. This can happen due to cramps in the eyelid muscles. If you have a problem of eye twitching for a long time, then the reason for this can also be some disease. Yes, eye twitching can also be a sign of a serious disease.
Eye twitching is called 'Myokymia' in medical language. In such a situation, the muscles of the eyes start contracting, and they start twitching. Generally, sometimes this can happen due to stress, eye strain, lack of sleep, or excessive alcohol consumption. Sometimes it can also happen due to vision-related problems. This can happen more with people who consume more caffeine. However, if the eye twitches due to these reasons, it also stops after some time.
According to a report published by the NIH, continuous eye twitching for several days can be a symptom of a serious disease. Medically, there are three reasons for eye twitching.
Eye twitching is a symptom of which disease?
1. Eyelid Myokymia: In this condition, the eye starts twitching many times. But the twitching is very mild. The reason for this can be your lifestyle, like stress, eye fatigue, excess caffeine, lack of sleep, or using the phone and computer for a long time.
2. Benign Essential Blepharospasm: This is an eye disease in which the muscles of the eyes start contracting. It causes pain when the eyelids are closed. Sometimes the eyes get swollen and vision becomes blurred. This makes it difficult to even open the eyes.
3. Hemifacial Spasm: In this disease, half of the face shrinks, which puts pressure on the eyes. In this, first the eyes, then the cheeks, and then the muscles of the mouth also start twitching. This can also happen due to numbness of the nerves. If this happens for a long time, problems like dystonia, multiple sclerosis, Ben's palsy, cervical dystonia, and Parkinson's can occur.
How to stop eye twitching?
For this, it is important to relax the eyes. Get your eyes checked on time. In case of dry eyes, put eye drops in the eyes. Reduce caffeine in your diet and include more green vegetables, fruits, and healthy things. Relieve stress and get enough sleep.
(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy.)
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