In the summer season, everyone likes to eat bottle gourd with great fervour. Other than consuming this vegetable normally, people love to eat koftas and pakoras made of bottle gourd aka lauki. Along with a high amount of fibre, many other nutrients are found in this delicious vegetable which helps keep many diseases at bay. According to Swami Ramdev, by drinking the bottle gourd juice daily, one can get rid of the problems of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It also relieves stress and improves heart health.
Bottle Gourd juice is very easy to make. All one has to do is peel off the thin outer layer of the vegetable and put the rest in a mixer grinder to get a smooth paste. You can sieve it if you want or can drink it as it is. Many people do not like the taste of the bottle gourd juice. However, its health benefits are immense. Swami Ramdev shared a simple method of making bottle gourd juice that tastes delicious and helps to keep the body fit.
Ingredients for Bottle Gourd Juice
200 to 300 grams gourd
6-7 mint leaves
A little lemon (People with bile tendencies should not use)
Rock or black salt as per taste
How to make bottle gourd juice
Firstly peel the bottle gourd and cut it into small pieces. Now put the pieces of gourd, mint in a blender and grind it well and extract the juice. After this, mix lemon juice and salt well and drink it.
Benefits of drinking bottle gourd juice
Get rid of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
According to Swami Ramdev, people who have problems of pitta and phlegm (kapha) apart from vata should drink 1 glass of bottle gourd juice daily. This will give a lot of relaxation to their body.
Weight Loss
Vitamin, potassium and iron are found in large quantities in bottle gourd juice other than fibre which helps lose weight. Therefore, consume it every morning on an empty stomach.
Helps in Digestion
Bottle gourd contains soluble fibre which helps in proper digestion.
Controls high blood pressure
Potassium is found in bottle gourd juice, which helps in controlling blood pressure.
Keeps the Heart Healthy
Drinking bottle gourd juice regularly makes the heart strong as well as healthy. It improves the heart health very effectively.
Keeps the liver healthy
Many times there is a problem of inflammation in the liver due to wrong eating and lifestyle. For this, mix some ginger juice with bottle gourd juice and drink it. Consuming this will reduce the swelling of your liver.