Haryana CET exam will no longer include 5 per cent bonus marks for the candidates belonging to the socioeconomic criteria. The Haryana Cabinet on Saturday approved amendments in the Common Eligibility Test policy following High Court's May 31 order. The approval was given in a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini.
Haryana CET amendment
Haryana CET amendments are applicable government jobs in Group C and D posts. As per the official statement amended policy will be called Policy for Recruitment to Group C and D posts through the Common Eligibility Test, (Amendment) Rule, 2024.
"As per the amendments, the 5 per cent weightage for social economic criteria provided for the bona fide residents of Haryana has been removed. The said amendments have been done as per the directions of the Punjab and Haryana High Court," said the statement.
In May, the Punjab and Haryana High Court had struck down the state government's policy of granting five per cent bonus marks based on the socioeconomic status of the candidate from the state, in the CET for groups C and D posts.
Supreme Court upheld the order
In June, the Supreme Court upheld the Punjab and Haryana High Court order. The apex court was hearing an appeal filed by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission against the Punjab and Haryana High Court's May 31 order.
The statement said, "The Policy for Recruitment to Group C and D posts through Common Eligibility Test, (Amendment) Rule, 2024 shall apply to direct recruitment to Group C posts including the posts of police service, prisons and home guards etc, excluding the teaching posts, ex-Agniveer and Group D posts for which minimum educational qualification is below matriculation."
"Furthermore, after the amendment, now the maximum number of eligible candidates to appear for the skill and/or written examination shall be ten times the total number of posts advertised by the Commission. Earlier, the candidates equal to four times the number of posts advertised were eligible to appear," the statement added.
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(With PTI inputs)