In a dramatic turn of events that could easily be mistaken for a scene from a Hindi movie, a hotelier from Gujarat’s Banaskantha district staged his death in a bid to claim a life insurance payout of Rs 1.5 crore. However, the police foiled the scheme and arrested three accomplices involved. The main accused, Dalpat Singh Parmar, is still at large, with police teams working to apprehend him.
The shocking scheme
The incident came to light on Friday when the police discovered the burnt remains of a car with a human body inside it at Vadgam village. The vehicle was registered in the name of one Dalpat Singh Parmar, a hotelier with several debts. When the family recognized the remains as belonging to Parmar, the police became suspicious and had samples of the body sent for forensic examination. Results from such an examination showed that the remains did not belong to any of Parmar's family, raising questions on the legitimacy of the whole incident.
A desperate plot for financial relief
As the investigation revealed further details, it was refined by the police. Parmar was lured into even more debts while attempting to establish a hotel. He created a car accident scene to fake his death to acquire insurance money through cheating. He had planned to use the Rs 1 crore accident cover and Rs 23 lakh life insurance payout to pay off his debts. He planned to remain in hiding until the insurance claims were processed, relying on his family and close associates, including his brother, to help him execute the scheme.
Stolen body used in scheme
Banaskantha’s Superintendent of Police, Akshayraj Makwana, confirmed that Parmar had used the body of a deceased person, buried four months ago, to stage the accident. Parmar had stolen the body from a local graveyard and placed it in the car before setting the vehicle on fire. According to Makwana, certain Hindu communities in Gujarat bury their dead instead of performing traditional cremations, which may have made the theft of the body easier.
Police action and investigation
The police have arrested three of Parmar's accomplices and are continuing their search for him. Legal action is being taken against those involved in this elaborate scheme. Makwana stated that the police are investigating the entire matter thoroughly, ensuring that justice is served for the crime.
This shocking case has left the local community in disbelief, with many expressing their astonishment over the lengths to which the hotelier went in an attempt to escape his financial troubles. The authorities have assured that strict action will be taken against anyone found guilty of assisting Parmar in his criminal plan.