Four workers were left dead after they inhaled toxic gas at a chemical plant at Dahej in Gujarat's Bharuch district, the police said on Sunday. The factory workers lost consciousness after inhaling the toxic fumes leaking from a pipe at a production unit of Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL) at around 10 pm on Saturday.
Soon after they were rushed to the hospital, however, three of them died at around 3 am on Sunday while another succumbed at 6 am, Dahej police station inspector BM Patidar said.
"The incident occurred at around 10 pm when the four workers fell unconscious due to gas leakage from the pipe passing through the ground floor of the company's CMS plant. They were rushed to a private hospital where all four of them died," he said.
The bodies of the workers were sent for postmortem and further probe into the incident was underway, the official said.
(With PTI inputs)