India TV Fact Check: A video of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is circulating on social media platforms with claims that he has once again shifted his political allegiance. However, when we fact-checked this claim, this claim has proved to be completely misleading. In fact, a year-old video of Kumar is being shared as recent.
What is going viral?
In the video that is going viral on social media, CM Nitish Kumar is talking to the media after resigning from the post and saying that he has left the 'Mahagathbandhan'. However, the video is being shared by users indicating that Nitish has once again left the NDA.
Sharing the video on social media platform X, a user named Sundresh Prakash wrote - "Paltu Ram then Palt Gaye!"
India TV investigated
We investigated the viral video of CM Nitish Kumar's resignation. First, we searched for news about his resignation using Google Open Search but found no credible sources claiming that CM Nitish Kumar had resigned. After this, we extracted the key frame from the viral video and used Google Lens to search for it. This led us to a video posted by ANI on X, dated January 28, 2024, where CM Nitish Kumar states: "Today I have resigned from the post of Chief Minister and I have also asked the Governor to dissolve the government in the state. This situation came because everything was not right. I was taking ideas from everyone, and today the government was dissolved."
This video was clearly matching with the video currently going viral on social media. It was clear that a year old video of Nitish Kumar is being shared in a misleading manner.
What came out in the fact check?
A fact check conducted by India TV has confirmed that Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has neither resigned from his position nor left the NDA. The viral video circulating on social media is actually from a year ago, when Nitish Kumar left the Mahagathbandhan (RJD + Congress) and rejoined the BJP-led NDA alliance. People are advised to remain cautious and not believe such misleading claims circulating on social media.
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