Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday unveiled the BHARATPOL portal in New Delhi, marking a significant milestone in India’s efforts to bolster its law enforcement agencies' ability to tackle transnational crimes. Describing the initiative as a game-changer for the country’s international crime investigations, Shah emphasised that BHARATPOL would usher in a new era of cooperation between Indian agencies and global law enforcement bodies.
"The BHARATPOL portal will take our international investigations to a whole new level. Until now, the CBI was the sole agency working with Interpol, but with this new platform, every police force in India can easily connect with Interpol," said Shah during the launch event.
The BHARATPOL portal is a newly developed platform designed to streamline the process of international cooperation between Indian law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and Interpol-- an international agency. Accessible through the official Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) website, this portal will centralise requests for international assistance, facilitating quicker access to global resources, including Red Notices and other colour-coded Interpol notices.
The portal aims to reduce the time it takes to process and respond to international criminal requests by offering a faster, more efficient digital communication system. By connecting state police forces, central agencies, and Interpol through a centralized digital platform, the portal ensures that critical criminal investigation data is exchanged seamlessly and in real -ime.
Key features of BHARATPOL portal
Real-time information sharing
BHARATPOL enables rapid and efficient sharing of information among law enforcement agencies in India and with international counterparts. This is especially critical in addressing global crimes that require swift responses, such as cybercrime, human trafficking, and financial fraud.
Centralised international assistance
The portal offers a single platform for handling international requests, including the issuance of Red Notices to locate and apprehend criminals, as well as requests for cooperation in transnational investigations. It is particularly vital for cases that span multiple jurisdictions and require coordinated efforts.
Improved collaboration across law enforcement agencies
BHARATPOL bridges the gap between various levels of law enforcement agencies — from local police departments to federal agencies like the CBI — ensuring that they can work together smoothly. It fosters better collaboration between Central, State, and Union Territory police forces.
Streamlined communication channels
Replacing outdated communication methods such as emails, faxes, and letters, the portal uses modern, digital channels for faster, more secure exchanges of information. This ensures that requests for assistance from Interpol and other international agencies are processed more swiftly.
Addressing growing transnational crimes
The portal is designed to tackle the rising threat of transnational crimes such as cybercrime, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and online radicalization. These crimes often span borders, making international cooperation essential for successful investigation and prosecution.
A tool for field-level officers
The BHARATPOL portal serves as a transformative tool for field-level officers, enhancing their capacity to combat global crime. With real-time access to international resources, police officers can act more decisively and efficiently, improving their effectiveness in dealing with high-priority criminal cases.
How BHARATPOL works: A detailed look
The BHARATPOL portal operates by creating a direct link between Indian police forces and Interpol. Previously, coordination between the CBI and Interpol involved lengthy communication through traditional methods. With the launch of this portal, every police agency in India — from local law enforcement to federal authorities — can now instantly connect with Interpol to seek assistance on criminal investigations.
Key features of the portal include:
Direct Access to Interpol Resources: Police officers can directly request Red Notices, communicate with Interpol Liaison Officers (ILOs), and process other international requests for assistance through the platform.
Faster Case Resolution: The portal accelerates the process of locating international criminals or fugitives who have crossed borders, and allows Indian agencies to receive assistance in solving complex international crimes.
Database Integration: The portal integrates with global criminal databases, allowing Indian law enforcement to access information about wanted criminals, missing persons, and fugitives worldwide.
Cross-Jurisdictional Investigations: Law enforcement agencies across India can use BHARATPOL to connect with each other and with international agencies, facilitating smoother investigations that cross regional and national boundaries.
How BHARATPOL will benefit India’s law enforcement efforts
With BHARATPOL, India will be better equipped to combat the growing number of international crimes that cross borders. The portal allows for quicker and more comprehensive responses to issues such as cybercrime, drug trafficking, and terrorism, which are becoming increasingly complex and global in nature.