TV actor Gurcharan Singh, who became famous for the role of Mr Roshan Singh Sodhi in 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' has been admitted to the hospital. Singh has shared his video from the hospital bed on Instagram. After watching this video, his fans have become worried about his condition. On Tuesday, January 7, the actor shared a video of himself from the hospital and gave a health update. The actor revealed that his health had deteriorated, after which he had to be admitted to the hospital.
Gurcharan Singh shared a video from the hospital
Gurcharan Singh shared a video of himself from the hospital on Instagram, where he congratulated Guru Gobind Singh Sahib on his birth anniversary. 'The condition has become very bad. Look at the condition, let's go, God bless,' the TV actor said in the video. Along with this, he said that he would soon share his condition with the fans and tell them what happened to him and why he was so late to congratulate on Guru Purab.
While posting the video, he wrote, 'Dhan Dhan Sahib Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Maharaj Ji, give me lakhs and crores of congratulations on Guru Purab. Yesterday on Guru Purab, Guru Sahib Ji gave me a new life. Thank you for unlimited time to Guru Sahib Ji. All the living beings are alive in front of you, thanks to everyone's heart. Thank you to everyone. God bless. Waheguru Ji, Waheguru Ji's mercy. God bless. Waheguru Ji's Khalsa, Waheguru Ji's Fateh.'
Fans got worried
Commenting on the video, many users and fans of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah expressed concern after seeing the condition of Gurcharan Singh. Some asked the actor about his condition and hoped that he would recover soon and go home. In the video, Gurcharan Singh is seen in the hospital. He has a drip in his hand and he looks ill. However, he has not given information in his video about what has happened to him and why he has been admitted to the hospital. The actor says that he will give information about it soon.