Tamil actor Silambarasan or Simbu, who is all set to wow fans with his upcoming Vantha Rajavathan Varuven, is making huge headlines for his recent social media video. Ahead of his film’s release on February 1, the actor posted a video asking his fans to celebrate his new movie like never before. The actor asked his fans to keep even bigger cutouts and banners if they want to. He further said that use huge containers when performing 'paal abhishekams' and not small milk cartons.
Now, following Simbu’s 'Paal Abhishekam' request, milk dealers in Tamil Nadu have approached the police, complaining of rampant theft of milk packets during superstar releases in the state.
The dealers requested approached the police with three demands: a ban on ‘paal abishekam’ (pouring of milk) on cutouts and banners of actors, steps to prevent wastage of tonnes of milk, and protection to milk outlets in the early hours of the release dates. The Tamil Nadu Milk Dealers Employees’ Welfare Association filed a complaint after they failed to resolve the issue with the help of superstars.
“It has become a menace now and the theft of milk packets is rampant. We have approached all top actors on whose cutouts this ritual is conducted. We tried to meet and sent requests in registered posts to Rajinikanth, Ajith, Vijay, and almost everyone. But none of them have done anything to resolve this,” Ponnusamy, the association’s president was quoted as saying to Indian Express.
“Usually, trucks carrying milk packets reach the city in the midnight. In the early hours, the supply to outlets begins. It is a usual practice that we keep milk packets in boxes outside shops. That is the time when fans steal these packets whenever there is a superstar movie release,” Ponnusamy further said to the daily.
He told Indian Express that police often “refuse to probe or register a case saying that they could help only if the theft happens inside the shop. Since they (fans) steal milk boxes kept outside, they are helpless, it seems.”
Interestingly, on Pongal eve, Simbu posted a video of him requesting his fans to not celebrate his movie. Simbu asked his fans to not spend money unnecessarily, to not erect huge banners and perform abhisheks to his cutouts and instead requested his fans to use that money to buy gifts for their parents and siblings.
Directed by Sundar C, Vantha Rajavathan Varuven is a Tamil remake of Telugu blockbuster flick titled Attarinkiti Daredi, which had Pawan Kalyan, Samantha and Pranitha Subash in the lead roles.
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