BJP's young and popular MP Tejasvi Surya is going to tie the knot soon. It is being told that Bengaluru South Lok Sabha MP will marry Chennai's famous singer and Bharatnatyam artist Sivasri Skandaprasad. However, no official statement has been issued by Tejasvi Surya on this news yet, but now discussions have intensified about his would-be bride on the internet.
When is the wedding?
According to the reports, this wedding will take place on March 4, 2025 in Bengaluru. Talking about Tejasvi Surya's future wife, Sivasri is a famous cultural figure of South India. She is not only a Carnatic music singer but also a skilled Bharatnatyam artist. Along with her art, Sivasri is highly educated as well. She has a bachelor's degree in bioengineering from Sastra University. Apart from this, she has obtained an MA in Bharatanatyam from Chennai University and an MA in Sanskrit from Chennai Sanskrit College.
Who is Sivasri Skandaprasad?
Sivasri is also very famous on social media. She also has a YouTube channel, where she has more than two lakh followers. She has gained more popularity by lending her voice to the Kannada version of the popular film Ponniyin Selvan- Part 2. Apart from art and education, the future wife of the BJP MP also likes outdoor hobbies like cycling, trekking and walking.
According to reports, the families of Tejasvi and Sivasri have met and started preparations for the wedding. People from the field of politics and art are expected to attend this wedding. Tejasvi Surya is known for his political activism and flamboyant personality, while she is very famous in the field of art. There is a lot of discussion about their marriage, but now everyone's eyes are on when Tejasvi Surya will formally confirm this news.