South Indian fans have been waiting for the Tamil film Vidaamuyarchi for a long time. However, to witness the magic of Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan on the big screens, fans will have to wait longer. Vidaamuyarchi, which is a remake of the famous Hollywood film Breakdown has been postponed. It is significant to note that Vidaamuyarchi's teaser was appreciated for its exciting visuals and action. Apart from Ajith and Trisha, Arjun Sarja and Regina Cassandra are also in the film.
Vidaamuyarchi is the Indian remake of the Hollywood film
Vidaamuyarchi is the Hindi remake of the Hollywood film 'Breakdown', which was released in the year 1997. The film features Kurt Russell, JT Walsh, Kathleen Quinlan, MC Gainey, Jack Noseworthy and Rex Linn. Now its Tamil remake will be released soon. This film of Ajith was announced in the year 2023. Earlier Vignesh Shivan was going to direct this film, but now Magizh Thirumeni is directing it.
The film was set to release on January 10, 2025
'Vidaamuyarchi' was originally made in Tamil language and it was to be released on January 10, 2025. However, the makers took to their X profile to share the postponement announcement. "Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2025! Due to unavoidable circumstances, the release of VIDAAMUYARCHI is postponed from PONGAL! Kindly stay tuned for further updates! The wait will be worth it!" read their note.
Social media reacts
The timing of the announcement caused several fans to voice their annoyance. A dissatisfied fan wrote, "At least you should have told this after a few days; you just spoiled AK fans' New Year celebration mood." Another user wrote, "This is a humble petition from all #AjithKumar fans to permanently ban @LycaProductions from India."