Taapsee Pannu has been supporting her director friend Anurag Kashyap who is accused of sexual harassment. However, recently the actress has said that she will be the first person to break all ties with him if he is found guilty. In an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Taapsee spoke about the director saying, “If he is found guilty, I’ll be the first person to break all ties with him. But if the investigation is inconclusive, how can the sanctity of the #MeToo movement be sustained? How will real victims benefit from a power that’s come to us after years of suppression? It’s wrong for women to derail the movement. Abusing power isn’t gender-specific.”
Taapsee further mentioned that Anurag has always treated women with respect. She said, “Anurag has a lot of respect for women, never badmouths anyone even if that person hasn’t been kind to him in public. His is one of those rare sets where the number of women on the crew equals men, and they only have nice things to say about him. If someone has been harassed, let them initiate an investigation, let the truth come out."
For the unversed, an actress on 19 September, accused Kashyap of sexually harassing her five years ago by forcing himself on her. And ever since, apart from Taapsee, many other celebs from Bollywood who have worked with the director came in support of him.
Meanwhile, Anurag’s second wife actress Kalki Koechlin and first wife Aarti Bajaj also defended the filmmaker.
Aarti wrote, “First wife here.. You are a rockstar @anuragkashyap10. Keep empowering women as you do and the safest place you create for all of them. I see it first hand with our daughter. There is no integrity left and the world is full of losers and no brains baying for blood of anyone who has a voice. If everybody spends the energy which they use in hating others constructively this world will be a better place.”