Popular singer Sonu Nigam attended a show named 'Rising Rajasthan' and during the event something happened which didn't go well with the singer. Sonu took to his Instagram handle and shared a video of himself 'humbly' requesting all the politicians to not leave any show abruptly midway. Along with the video, he wrote, ''A humble request to all the respected Politicians of India, kindly don't attend any performance of any artiste if you have to abruptly leave mid way. This is disrespect to Art and Artistes and Maa Sarasvati.''
In the video, Sonu Nigam is heard saying, ''At the concert, many politicians, including CM sahab, the sports minister, and the youth minister, were present. During the show, I witnessed CM sahab and other people get up midway and leave. After them, other delegates also left. So, it is my humble request to politicians that if you won’t respect artists, then who will?”
''Agar aapko uthke jana ho to aya mat karo ya show shuru hone se pehle chale jaya karo,'' he further said.
Fans reactions
Soon after Sonu Nigam shared the video, his fans and other netizens were quick enough to express their views on the same. One user wrote, ''Only You could say it like it is!'' ''That gentle smile with a strong message,'' wrote another. A third user commented, ''The one and only who can take a stand.'' One of the fans also wrote, ''Only someone like you who’s always respected others can speak up with no hesitation!!!''
Sonu Nigam is one of the most loved playback singers in Indian cinema. Apart from Hindi, he has sung songs in Kannada, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Odia, Assamese, Malayalam, and Gujarati, among other regional languages. He is also the recipient of Padma Shri, which is the fourth-highest civilian award.
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