The showman of Bollywood, Raj Kapoor, has left an indelible mark on Indian cinema with a string of superhit films that continue to resonate with audiences. To mark his 100th birth anniversary, his family is preparing for a grand celebration by showcasing 10 of his iconic films across 40 cities and 135 cinemas in India at state-of-the-art venues like PVR-INOX and Cinepolis cinemas, taking the audience back to the old times of cinema. Meanwhile, the Kapoor family is now meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi to celebrate this grand occasion. Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted at the private airport in Kalina along with Saif Ali Khan, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor. They left for Delhi to meet the Prime Minister on Raj Kapoor's 100th anniversary.
The Kapoor family spotted at the airport
The Kapoor family was dressed in traditional attire on the occasion. Neetu and Karisma were seen in ivory anarkalis. During this, Kareena wore a red kurta set with a floral print. Saif looked handsome as always in a kurta pyjama and waistcoat. Ranbir wore a court-set and Alia wore a red saree. Aadar Jain, Anissa Malhotra along with Aadar's father Manoj Jain also went on the trip.
Raj Kapoor completes 100 years
It's celebration time for the Kapoor family and Hindi cinema as the 'showman' Raj Kapoor completes 100 years. The Kapoor family has decided to celebrate the occasion grandly as several of Raj Kapoor's films are being re-released in theatres. Ranbir has also started a project to restore the films of his grandfather Raj Kapoor in collaboration with NFDC, NFAI, his uncle Kunal Kapoor and the Film Heritage Foundation. He recently said at IFFI Goa, 'We have done 10 films so far and we have a lot more to do. I hope you guys will see his work because many people have not seen his work.' A festival will be organised from December 13 to December 15, which will show the famous films of Showman Raj Kapoor.
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