Prime Minister Narendra Modi watched the Vikrant Massey starrer film 'The Sabarmati Report' at 4 pm today at Balyogi auditorium along with Speaker Lok Sabha and ministers and MPs. PM Modi praised film makers after watching the movie. He posted on X, "Joined fellow NDA MPs at a screening of 'The Sabarmati Report.' I commend the makers of the film for their effort."
Let us tell you that this film revolves around the justice system, society and personal struggles of a journalist along with it, the film dives into the Godhra riots. The story of the film highlights deep social issues and shows the complexities of justice. Earlier PM Modi had praised the film and called it important for society. It is significant to note that apart from Vikrant, Raashii Khanna and Riddhi Dogra have played important roles in the film.
Theme and direction of the film
The film 'The Sabarmati Report', based on the truth of the Godhra incident that happened in February 2002 and the role of the media, is becoming a topic of discussion among the audience. The story of the film revolves around a Hindi entertainment journalist named Samar Kumar (Vikrant Massey) who is looked down upon by English journalists. On the other hand, Manika Rajpurohit (Ridhi Dogra) is a sharp and popular news anchor who does false reporting on the instructions of her boss. Samar gets solid evidence to expose the truth of the Godhra incident, but the corruption spread within the media and the conspiracy to show false news presents him as a big threat.
Also Read: Vikrant Massey announces retirement from acting at 37: 'It's time to recalibrate and go home'