South Indian actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala tied the knot on December 4 with traditional Telugu rituals. A day after the wedding, both of them reached the Mallikarjuna temple in Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh on Friday evening. There they took the blessings of the Lord. Naga Chaitanya's father and famous actor Nagarjuna were also present with them. A video is going viral on social media. In the video, the newly married couple is seen sitting inside the temple and worshipping.
Naga Chaitanya ans Sobhita Dhulipala visit temple
During this visit, Sobhita wore a beautiful yellow silk saree with an orange coloured blouse, while Naga Chaitanya was seen in a white shirt and mundu. The priest performed puja for them. In the video, the couple and Nagarjuna are seen sitting on the ground and worshipping. However, since the marriage, this couple has been the target of trolls. All three are being trolled a lot in the comment box on the viral video.
Chaitanya and Sobhita being trolled after marriage
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got married on December 4, 2024, at Annapurna Studio in Hyderabad after dating each other for almost three years. This wedding was attended by their family members as well as some close friends. The two first met in 2022, after which friendship and then love grew between the two. However, most of the fans seem to be angry with the marriage of the two and are also expressing their displeasure through social media.
The most trolling is happening about why Nagarjuna is seen with the couple everywhere. Users say that Nagarjuna is taking care of Sobhita the way he should have done with his ex-daughter-in-law Samantha Ruth Prabhu. A user commented on Nagarjuna and wrote, 'Why is Nagarjuna going with her everywhere'. Another comment read, 'Feeling sad for Samantha.'