Amkd the coronavirus outbreak, several Bollywood and TV celebrties share their workout videos stressing on the importance to stay fit during the crisis. Now, Milind Soman's mother Usha Soman is giving everyone true fitness goals as she engages in one-legged box jump with her daughter-in-law Ankita Knowar. Now, we know you know where Milind Soman gets his fitness inspiration from and, it It is none other than his super fit and inspiring 81-year old mother.
Milind Soman shared the inspiring video on Instagram and wrote, "28 and 81 ! Be fit at every age #mygirls". Meanwhile, wife Ankita sharing the same video, wrote, "In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured - #gordonbhinckleyIf I live to be 80 someday, my only wish is to approach it as fit as you are.May you inspire many more".
Earlier, Milind posted a throwback video from 2016 of him running a marathon with his mom.
Then, there was another video of Usha Soman doing 16 push-ups with her son on the beach.
Usha Soman, a retired professor of biochemistry reportedly started trekking when she was just 16-year-old. She has also scaled the base camp of Mt. Everest and the highest mountain in Africa Mt. Kilimanjaro. In an interview given to a daily, Usha Soman said she eats everything healthy, walks daily, works on keeping a positive frame of mind and doesn’t allow technology to rule her life.
“I don’t believe in these fads about having high protein diet with specific amount of carbohydrates and all. If you really think about it, our traditional food was absolutely balanced. I just stick to that,” said the octogenarian, adding, "Fitness is also not just restricted to the physical realms. Your mind must be fit too. It’s the mind that drives you."
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