After a span of 3 years, filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar on Wednesday announced his next directorial venture, 'India Lockdown' which is inspired by true events from the Covid-19 situation that is prevailing in the world, leading to a lockdown in the country. Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the update on social media about Bhandarkar's new directorial venture. The film will be produced by Bhandarkar Entertainment and PJ Motion Pictures. The film is expected to go floors from January 2021. The casting of the film is still underway.
He wrote, "MADHUR BHANDARKAR ANNOUNCES NEXT FILM... IT'S OFFICIAL... #MadhurBhandarkar announces his next directorial venture... Titled #IndiaLockdown... Inspired by true events... Casting underway... Produced by Bhandarkar Entertainment and PJ Motion Pictures... Starts Jan 2021."
Madhur Bhandarkar made his directorial debut with Trishakti in the year 1999. His last directorial stint was a political film named 'Indu Sarkar', based on the period between 1975 to 1977, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency across the country. The film starred Neil Nitin Mukesh, Kirti Kulhari, Anupam Kher, and Tota Roy Chowdhury.