Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa got big relief from the Karnataka High Court on Friday after he was granted bail in the Renukaswamy murder case, as per a report by Bar and Bench. However, the actor is currently out on bail as he was granted an interim bail for six weeks on October 30 to undergo spine surgery. Not only Darshan but Pavithra Gowda, who is also one of the prime suspect in the case, has been granted bail by the high court.
As per Bar and Bench, Justice S Vishwajith Shetty also granted bail to five other accused in the case. While Darshan was lodged in Ballari Central Prison, his associate Pavitra Gowda was in Bengaluru’s Parappana Agrahara. The actor's friend Pavithra Gowda and 13 other accused were sent to 14-day judicial custody in June earlier this year. According to police sources, Renukaswamy's body was found near a drain near an apartment in Sumanahalli on June 9.
Deets about the case
Renukaswamy, a fan of the actor Darshan, allegedly sent Gowda lewd texts that infuriated Darshan and ultimately resulted in his murder, according to police sources. On June 9, his body was discovered in Sumanahalli, next to a stormwater drain and an apartment.
Renukaswamy was brought to a shed in R R Nagar by one of the accused, Raghavendra, who is a member of Darshan's fan club in Chitradurga, under the guise that the actor wanted to meet him. It is said that he was killed and tortured in this shed. The post-mortem report states that many blunt injuries caused haemorrhage and shock in Renukaswamy, a resident of Chitradurga.