Pan India star Jr NTR returned to the big screens after two years with his multi-lingual film Devara: Part 1. Fans had high hopes for Siva Kortala's film as the makers had built quite an anticipation for the film that also starred Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor. However, the film was not able to live up to the expectations. Despite having good VFX, the Pan India film was unable to compensate for the flaws in the storyline. Now that the film is available on the OTT platform Netflix, have a look at Devara's box office report card here.
Devara Box Office Collection
Devara: Part 1 created a stir at the box office on the first day and collected Rs 82.5 crore. On the first day, the highest earnings of this film were in the Telugu language (73.25 crores). At the same time, this film collected seven crores 50 lakhs in Hindi, 35 lakhs in Kannada, one crore in Tamil and 40 lakhs in Malayalam.
However, from the second day itself, the film failed to maintain its hold at the box office. On Saturday, the film's earnings saw a decline of more than 53 per cent. The film collected Rs 38.2 crore on the second day, Rs 39.9 crore on the third day, Rs 12.75 crore on the fourth day, Rs 14 crore on the fifth day, Rs 21 crore on the sixth day and Rs 7.25 crore on the seventh day. The film collected a total of Rs 215.6 crore in the first week, but considering the budget and a star like Jr NTR, the film's earnings cannot be called satisfactory.
Devara lifetime collection
The Pan India film that was released on September 27, 2024 earned a total of Rs 292.03 crore in India and Rs 76.5 crore overseas. With this, the lifetime collection of Devara: Part 1 is Rs 421.63 crore, including India's gross collection as well. The film was made with a budget of Rs 300 crore. Apart from Saif, Tarak and Janhvi, Prakash Raj also played an important role in the film.
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