Celebrity gynaecologist Dr Rustom Soonawala took his last breath on January 5, this year. The Padma Shri recipient died at the age of 95. Kapoor's family's go-to gynaecologist has delivered several star kids in his lifelong career. His list of star kids includes Vamika Kohli, Raha Kapoor, Taimur Ali Khan and their parents Ranbir and Kareena Kapoor. After the death of Dr Rustom, the internet paid tribute to the Padma Shri recipient on Monday.
Dr Rustom Soonawala fee
Dr Rustom Soonawala used to also practice his medical profession at Mumbai's famous Breach Candy Hospital. According to the reception, Dr Rustom's consultation fee was Rs 4000.
For those who don't know Dr Rustom died after a protracted illness. His long list of achievements also includes a polyethene IUD. In the 1960s, the Padma Shri recipient created the birth control method known as the polyethene IUD. This birth control method was safer back then and is still in use now.
Years after retiring from surgery, Dr Soonawala continued to provide consultations. His son, Dr Feroz Soonawala, is currently employed at Breach Candy Hospital, where he also used to provide consultations.
The renowned food critic and former patient of the obstetrician and gynaecologist, Rashmi Uday Singh, wrote a biography of Dr Rustom Soonawala that was published in 2015. She once related how the doctor, after attending the burial of his best friend, hurried to help a baby. "I had been his patient for forty years, but it took me five years to write (the) biography. According to TOI, she claimed, "He was the kindest, most caring doctor, performed my hysterectomy, and delivered my son." He was seen as humble by both the affluent and the less fortunate patients.