Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh reached Bengaluru recently ahead of his show on Friday, December 6, 2024. During his visit to the city, he made a memorable stop at the iconic Rameshwaram Cafe where he enjoyed Idli and Dosa. A video has been shared by Team Dosanjh on Instagram, which features with Diljit and his team departing from Punjab airport and arriving in Bengaluru. After landing at the Bengalur airport, he headed straight to Rameshwaram Cafe, where he enjoyed the famous Ghee Podi Idli from the comfort of his car.
See the video:
The video features Diljit enjoying a crispy Dosa and concluding his meal with a traditional filter coffee.
About Diljit's India Tour
Diljit Dosanjh began the Indian leg of his Dil-Luminati tour with power-packed performances in New Delhi on October 26 and October 27. His tour then moved to Jaipur on November 2, followed by Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Lucknow on November 15, 17 and 22 respectively.
Diljit then performed in Pune and Kolkata on November 24 and 30. While his concert thrilled the audience in Kolkata, it was his speech referencing the city's love for cricket and Shah Rukh Khan's Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team that stole the hearts of the people present.
His next live performance is scheduled in Bengaluru on December 6. After Bengaluru, Team Dosanjh will move to Indore, Chandigarh and Guwahati.
On the film's front, Diljit was last seen in Imtiaz Ali's directorial Amar SIngh Chamkila alongside Parineeti Chopra. It was a digital-only release and premiered on Netflix.
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