Global star Deepika Padukone and actor Ranveer Singh welcomed their daughter Dua Padukone Singh in September this year. Ranveer Singh has been seen many times since Dua's birth, but fans were excited to see Deepika. Recently Deepika Padukone appeared in Punjabi singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh's Bengaluru concert. This is her first public appearance after the birth of her daughter. Not only was the actor seen dancing and enjoying Diljit's concert, but the Punjabi singer also called her a self-made star at Dil Luminati India tour.
Diljit calls DP a self-made star
Fans also looked very happy to see Deepika enjoying at the concert. Many of her videos are going viral on social media, in which the actress is seen in a casual look. During this, actress Deepika is seen dancing on the stage wearing a white sweatshirt with 'Lover' written on it. She paired it with blue jeans. Also, she has kept her hair open. Many videos of this concert are going viral on social media, in which Deepika is seen sitting in the front and enjoying Diljit's wonderful performance, while the fans around her are seen singing and shouting. After this, Diljit also called Deepika on the stage, where she danced and taught a bit of Kannada to Diljit. The Punjabi singer called Deepika Padukone a self-made star and said that he has seen DP on the big screen and is now sharing the stage with her. He also promoted Deepika's 82 East brand and said that he only takes a bath.
Deepika-Ranveer became parents this year
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed daughter Dua on September 8, 2024, after 6 years of marriage in 2018. She shared this good news through a cute social media post, which read, 'Welcome baby girl. 8-9-2024 Deepika and Ranveer'. However, after becoming a mother, Deepika has mostly stayed away from public events. She continued to work even during pregnancy and also promoted her film 'Kalki 2898 AD'. Currently, she is giving all her time to her daughter.
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