Legendary Bollywood star Dharmendra is celebrating his 89th birthday today, December 8, 2024. On SUnday, the veteran actor celebrated his special day with his sons, Bobby Deol and Sunny Deol, in Mumbai along with their fans outside their residence. Fans also celebrated their favourite star's birthday with posters of his iconic films and photographs around his building, calling him the 'God of Bollywood'. To celebrate the day, Dharmendra also cut the cake with his sons and posed with the fans.
See the video:
For the cake-cutting ceremony, Dharmendra wore a stylish brown shirt, black leather jacket and a black hat, while his son opted for a casual look. Fans also fed their favourite star with a slice of cake and the trio of Deols also posed together holding each other's hand.
Not only this, fans also expressed their happiness on the occasion by dancing to the evergreen songs of the actor. One of the fans paid tribute to the actor by dancing to the songs of the Dharam Veer film.
Earlier today, Sunny Deol wished his father on Instagram with a special heartwarming video featuring throwback pictures of the legendary actor. ''Happy Birthday Papa. I love you the most!'' he wrote in the caption to his post.
Dharmendra, popularly known as the 'He-Man' of Bollywood, has delivered some of the most remarkable films in his career spanning over six decades. Sholay, The Burning Train, Apne, Dharam Veer, Seeta Aur Geeta, Chupke Chupke, Naya Zamana, Anupama and Bandini are some of Dharmendra's most iconic films ever.
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