Legendary actor Dharmendra, who recently celebrated his 89th birthday, has landed in trouble after a Delhi court issued a summon to him and two others in a cheating case related to Garam Dharam Dhaba. As per a post by news agency ANI, the summon is issued on a complaint filed by a Delhi businessman who alleged cheating by luring him to invest in the franchise of Garam Dharam Dhaba.
The summons issued by Judicial Magistrate Yashdeep Chahal is based on a complaint filed by Delhi businessman Sushil Kumar. Delhi's Patiala House Court has recently issued summons against veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in a fraud case related to the 'Garam Dharam Dhaba' franchise, which will be heard in February next year.
According to ANI, in the summons order passed on December 5, the judge said, ''The evidence on record hints that the accused persons induced the complainant in furtherance of their common intention and the ingredients of the offence of fraud have been duly disclosed.''
Earlier this month, the veteran actor celebrated his special day with his sons, Bobby Deol and Sunny Deol, in Mumbai along with their fans outside their residence. Fans also celebrated their favourite star's birthday with posters of his iconic films and photographs around his building, calling him the 'God of Bollywood'
Dharmendra, popularly known as the 'He-Man' of Bollywood, has delivered some of the most remarkable films in his career spanning over six decades. Sholay, The Burning Train, Apne, Dharam Veer, Seeta Aur Geeta, Chupke Chupke, Naya Zamana, Anupama and Bandini are some of Dharmendra's most iconic films ever.
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