Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor on Tuesday night dropped an adorable video on their Instagram handle wherein they are seen vibing to the 'Loveyapa' song. However, the main attraction of the Insta Reel was when their father and filmmaker Boney Kapoor made a special appearance from behind. In the video, the sibling actors were seen recreating the hook steps of the song while Boney photobombed and lip-synced the 'alaap' portion of the song.
Watch the video here:
Reacting to the video, several B-towners expressed their views in the comment section. Orry and Varun Dhawan dropped several laughing emojis in the comment section. While Janhvi and Khushi's cousin Arjun Kapoor wrote, ''best alaap ever,'' with a red heart and laughing emoji.
Anshula Kapoor also commented to the video and wrote, ''Hahahahaha best @boney.kapoor''. Zoya Akhtar and Mahina Chaudhry also dropped laughing emojis in the comment. Actor Sanjay Kapoor commented, ''When the background dancer overshadows the foreground dancers.''
About Loveyapa song
The title track is from Khushi Kapoor and Junaid Khan-starrer film and was recently unveiled by its makers. The song shows a fun chemistry shared between Junaid and Khushi in the age of social media. Nakash Aziz and Madhubanti Bagchi have lent their vocals to the track.
The upcoming rom-com will be released on February 7, 2025. Advait Chandan, who helmed Aamir Khan-starrer Laal Singh Chaddha, has directed the project. The film is produced by Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment. As per the makers, Loveyapa is a "tangled tale of love and its complications with a mix of fun and laughter, shaping up to be a cinematic treat."
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