Bollywood director and actor Anurag Kashyap, who has garnered praise over the years for his contribution to Indian cinema, has decided to leave Mumbai. Anurag, who has openly put forward the issues related to Hindi cinema in front of the world, has revealed that he is fed up with Bollywood and that is why he is leaving Mumbai in sadness. He has also given the reason for this in a recent interview. The reason for Anurag leaving Mumbai is the talent management agencies, which are luring new artists and giving importance to making them stars instead of making them excellent actors. For the unversed, Kashyap has directed powerful films like Paanch, Black Friday, Dev D, Gulaal and Gangs of Wasseypur.
Why is Anurag Kashyap having to leave Mumbai?
In a conversation with Hollywood Reporter, Anurag Kashyap said, "Now it has become difficult for me to go out and experiment because it comes at a cost which makes my producers think about profit and margins. From the very beginning, before the release of the film, there is a thought on how to sell it. Due to this, the joy of filmmaking ends."
Anurag Kashyap is going to gain recognition in the South film industry after Bollywood. "Bollywood can never make a film like Pushpa 2: The Fire. I want to go out of Mumbai next year. I am going to the South. I want to go where there is excitement. Otherwise, I will die as an old man. I am very disappointed and upset with my industry. I hate the mentality," the director said.
Anurag Kashyap irritated with remakes of films
Anurag Kashyap, who impressed people with his role of villain in Maharaja, said that only remakes are being made in Bollywood. Filmmakers are not doing anything new. He is tired of this mentality. The director said that agencies are brainwashing actors and making them stars by luring them with glamour and making money themselves. They are sending them to the gym instead of sending them for workshops.
Friends left him alone
Anurag Kashyap has revealed that the actors he considered his friends in the industry have also left him alone. The Bad Cop star said, "My actors who I considered my friends left you because they wanted to become something else. It always happens here. It doesn't happen in Malayalam cinema."