Ananya Panday among several other B-towners rang in New Year with the Ambani family in Jamnagar. The Call Me Bae actress shared a group picture from the party on her Instagram handle, also featuring Janhvi Kapoor, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and Shikhar Pahariya, among others. ''Happy shiny friends,'' Ananya captioned her post along with a red heart emoji. In the picture, Ananya is seen wearing a black outfit while Janhvi opted for a multi-colour vibrant sweater along with blue denims.
See the post:
As per a report by ANI, Shah Rukh Khan and his family also celebrated New Year with Ambanis in Jamnagar. Salman Khan, too, welcomed the new year in the company of his fellow colleagues from the Bollywood and Ambani family.
Not only this, Salman was also spotted in Jamnagar to celebrate his 59th birthday. Reportedly, the grand bash was held by Ambanis only. Among the attendees were his mother Salma Khan, brother Sohail Khan, sisters Arpita and Alvira, actor Riteish Deshmukh, and his wife Genelia D'Souza. Several pictures and videos from the bash surfaced online, showing Salman cutting a huge cake with his niece Ayat.
Ananya Panday's aunt, Deanne Pandey, posted pictures from the venue on Instagram, including an image featuring a large sign that read, "Love (red emoji) you Bhaijaan."
On the work front, Ananya was last seen in the Netflix series, Call Me Bae. She has several big projects in the pipeline including The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair, Dhadak 2, Run For Young, Chand Mera Dil, and Darbadar. She also has an untitled wedding flick alongside Shanaya Kapoor and Ankur Rathee.
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