Allu Arju's latest offering Pushpa 2 remains unstoppable at the box office even after a month of its theatrical release. With the addition of its latest figures, the film has now touched the Rs 1,200 crore masrk in India. As per Sacnilk, Pushpa 2 minted Rs 5.5 crore on its fifth Saturday, taking the total nett collections in India to Rs 1,199 crore. Check out its day-wise nett collections in the fifth week.
Week 4 total - Rs 69.65 crore (Telugu: Rs 13.54 crore, Hindi: Rs 53.75 crore, Tamil: Rs 2.1 crore, Kannada: Rs 19 lakh, Malayalam: Rs 7 lakh)
Day 30 (Friday) - Rs 3.75 crore (Telugu: Rs 75 lakh, Hindi: Rs 2.9 crore, Tamil: Rs 9 lakh, Kannada: Rs 1 lakh)
Day 31 (Saturday) - Rs 5.5 crore (Telugu: Rs 1 crore, Hindi: Rs 4.35 crore, Tamil: Rs 14 lakh, Kannada: Rs 1 lakh)
Total - Rs 1199 crore - (Telugu: Rs333.5 crore, Hindi: Rs 785.65 crore, Tamil: Rs 57.98 crore, Kannada: Rs 7.7 crore)
About the film
Directed by Sukumar and produced by Mythri Movie Makers, Pushpa 2 stars Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Fasil in the lead roles. The film's music rights are owned by T-Series. The film was earlier scheduled to hit cinemas on December 6 but the makers changed its release by one day.
Movie Review
India TV's Sakshi Verma in her review for the film wrote, ''Pushpa 2: The Rule lacks depth and a concrete storyline. Messed up in between too many narratives, the film struggles in pre-interval and climax portions. Despite that, the massy actioner has its high points, the jatra sequence being the topmost one. Allu Arjun's Pushparaj may have diverted in several roads, but the actor's swag, charm, and on-point dialogue delivery remain stagnant. Fahadh Faasil disappoints as Shekhawat, and Rashmika as Srivalli is on the verge of turning irritating. The film has played the work for its third part, and it's safe to say that the makers may have this last chance to redo the wrong they did in the sequel. The film is a one-time, bearably long watch and only deserves 2.5 stars. ''