Allu Arjun is all geared up for his mega pan-India film, Pushpa 2: The Rule, which is releasing in cinemas on Thursday. The film has already been declared an all-time blockbuster before its theatrical release. Ahead of the film's release, Allu Arjun shared a picture of a handwritten note from his son, Ayaan, calling it 'one of his biggest achievements by far'. Taking to his Instagram handle, 'Pushpa Raj' shared a picture of the note and wrote, ''Touched by my son ayaan’s love. One of my biggest achievements by far . Lucky to have such love ( he is a child so pls pardon some parts of exaggerations.''
See the post:
The letter read, ''Dear Nana, I'm writing this note to express how proud I am of you and your success hard work, passion and dedication. When I see you at number 1, I feel on top of this world. Today is a special day as the worlds greatest actors' movie is out. I understand your mixed bag of emotions, on this day. However, let me assure you that Pushpa is not just a movie but a journey and reflection of your love and passion for acting. I would take this opportunity to wish you and your team the best of luck!!"
"No matter the outcome, you'll be my forever hero and idol. You have infinite fans around the universe, but I will still and forever remain the number 1 ardent fan and well wisher. From: The proudest son in the world. To: My top idol and Nana my love, heart and soul," Ayaan added.
Not only this, Allu Arjun has been receiving much love and praise from his friends in the film industry. As per a post shared by him on his Instagram handle, actor Vijay Deverakonda gifted him a customised Pushpa jacket, which reads, ''RWDY Pushpa''.
For the unversed, Pushpa 2: The Rule is the sequel to the 2021 release titled Pushpa: The Rise. THe latest offering also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil in pivotal roles.