Alia Bhatt celebrated her New Year's Day with her husband Ranbir Kapoor and their extended family in Thailand. Both the Kapoor's and the Bhatt's families are vacationing in Thailand since the last one week to celebrate the New Year in style. Several pictures were shared by Ranbir's sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on her Instagram handle wherein Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and their kids were missed by their fans. In one of the pics, several members of the Kapoor and the Bhatt family including Neetu Kapoor, Raha Kapoor, and Soni Razdan were also seen posing for a family portrait. Apart from them, filmmamker Ayan Mukerji also posed with the celebrity families.
See the post:
In another post, Riddhima recreated Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio's iconic Titanic pose. She captioned the post, “Mandatory pose'', along with the Thailand Diaries hashtag.
Earlier, Neetu Kapoor shared a candid video from New Year's eve wherein Ranbir is seen running towards Alia as the clock struck midnight. Ranbir with a smile on his face ran towards Alia to share a tight hug.
On the work front
After the massive success of Animal, Ranbir Kapoor will next be seen in Nitesh Tiwari's two-part adaptation of Ramayana. He will also star in Love and War alongside his wife, Alia Bhatt. Meanwhile, Alia will next be seen in Alpha.
On the other hand, Ayan is currently busy with War 2, starring Hrithik Roshan and Jr NTR in key roles. While Neetu Kapoor will feature in Letters To Mr Khanna, Soni Razdan has Songs of Paradise and Abir Gulaal in the pipeline.
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