Akshay Kumar on Sunday treated his fans with the much-awaited trailer of his aerial actioner, Sky Force. Speaking about his recent debacles at the box office, the actor said that his 33-year-long career has been all about working hard and he aims to break his dry spell by continuing to do exactly that. Akshay, who will next be seen playing an Indian Air Force officer in the upcoming film Sky Force, said he has witnessed a slump many times in his career.
Most of his last releases, including 2024's line-up Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Sarfira, and Khel Khel Mein, didn't do well at the ticket window. However, films like Stree 2 and Singham Again, which featured the actor in a special appearance, were exceptions.
"It's not that it has happened for the first time. The best part is you keep on working hard. That is what I tell myself. If anyone talks to me about it, I say the same thing that you have to keep working hard," the actor told reporters at the trailer launch of Sky Force.
Akshay said many people advise him to do "one film or maximum two films" in a year. But I say if I can work, then why not? I have based my entire career on that. Many people have told me not to do content-based films, but I don't want to leave that. I want to keep working on different kinds of films," he added.
The actor said he is proud of Sarfira, the Hindi adaptation of the superhit Tamil film Soorarai Pottru (2020) starring Suriya, even though it didn't work. "I still say that it (Sarfira) was one of my best films."
About Sky Force
Sky Force is the untold story of India's first and deadliest airstrike ever. It will be released in theatres on January 24 during the Republic Day weekend. Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur have co-directed the film, which also marks the acting debut of Veer Pahariya.
The film revolves around IAF officer T Vijaya (Veer) who goes missing in action during the 1965 India-Pakistan War. Akshay plays his fellow IAF officer KO Ahuja who embarks on a mission to find Vijaya. Produced by Maddock Films and Jio Studios, Sky Force also features Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan in pivotal roles.
(With PTI inputs)