After facing a lot of heat for his latest video Automatic Gaadi, comedian-YouTuber Bhuvan Bam issued an apology on his social media handle. He was accused of objectifying and disrespecting women in the video. Bhuvan’s apology comes after the National Commission for Women (NCW) took cognisance and urged the Delhi police to file an FIR against the YouTuber.
Issuing a public apology, Bam wrote on Twitter, "I’m aware that a section in my video has hurt some people. I have edited it to remove that part. People who know me know I have utmost respect for women. I had no intention to hurt anyone. A heartfelt apology to everyone whose sentiments have been disregarded. @NCWIndia."
On Thursday (March 31), NCW's official Twitter handle had tweeted, "@NCWIndia has taken cognisance. Chairperson @sharmarekha has written to @CPDelhi to register FIR & to take strict action in the matter. NCW has also written to Secy, Ministry of Electronics & IT to take appropriate action against the YouTube channel for violating dignity of women."
For the unversed, netizens had expressed anger and disappointment with Bhuvan for making a distasteful remark about women in the latest video. They had demanded strict action to be taken against him. One of the users said, "Advaita ji,can you please approach @sharmarekha Ji and ask her to take action strict against him and his abusive YouTube channel? CC @ianuragthakur (sic)." Another wrote, "This is not humour - it’s vulgar misogynistic trash that objectifies women and in particular pahaadi women." Another said, "shame on @Bhuvan_Bam for this kind of vulgar rude comments on any woman."
Bhuvan Bam is a popular YouTuber with over 25 million subscribers on the platform. He rose to fame with his BB Ki Vines. Last year, he had released a show titled Dhindora which revolved around Bhuvan and his family’s everyday life.
Also read: Bhuvan Bam, Ashish Chanchlani among YouTube stars in Gully Boy inspired 'The Lockdown Rap'