On Tuesday, Taapsee Pannu shared a throwback photograph of herself from her school days. The picture she shared was from the time she got the opportunity to become a head girl. In the long endearing post, she wrote how getting this position in school was a dream come true for her.
Sharing the picture, the Pink actress wrote, "Ok so this one is another MAJORRRR throwback which makes me partly proud n partly embarrassed. Since the time I knew what being a prefect in school is I had dreamt to be the Head Girl of my school and this was the day that dream came true".
Furthermore, she wrote,"One of those rare things in life I planned and it actually happened ( considering all my other plans for life have failed but probably for good ) standing there taking oath I am probably just lost in thought of how when u wish for something so bad it can actually come true n that’s y probably I am (embarrassingly) not looking ahead! Which I should! Considering the Head boy is more interested to look into my camera, I don’t think I should be the only one embarrassed of this picture".
Taapsee recently won Best Actress Awards for her movie “Badla” and “Saand Ki Aankh”. On the film front, Taapsee will be seen in “Haseen Dillruba”, “Rashmi Rocket” and “Shabaash Mithu”.