The original begum of Bollywood, Sharmila Tagore is celebrating her 76th birthday today and her daughter Soha Ali Khan shared the most adorable birthday wish for the veteran actress. Soha took to Instagram to share a super cute picture of her mother with her daughter, Inaaya Naumi Kemmu and honestly, it is the cutest thing we have seen on the internet today. In the lovable picture, Innaya is seen sitting in her grandmother, Sharmila Tagore's lap as the latter sits on a dining table with a plate of yummy-looking pancakes.
Sharmila Tagore looking beautiful as ever is holding Innaya in her lap as she looks adorably confused, holding a piece of pancake in her hand. The plate of pancakes on the table reads 'Happy B'day', written with chocolate sauce. We also spotted a little gift placed on the table.
Captioning the image, Soha wrote, "Birthday pancakes !!"
Check out the adorable post below:
Sharmila Tagore was one of boldest as well the highest-paid actresses of her times. She has been a part of innumerable Bollywood movies and has been awarded a number of honours including the Padma Bhushan by the Government of India. She later married Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, the Nawab of Pataudi and former captain of the Indian cricket team and is mother to Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan and jewelry designer Saba Ali Khan.
We wish her a long life and a very Happy Birthday!