Shweta Singh Kirti, sister of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, says more than one lakh trees were planted across the globe as part of the #Plants4SSR campaign. Shweta took to Instagram, where she posted a video of people planting saplings. "More than 1 lakh trees were planted across the globe. #Plants4SSR Thank you so much for making it happen," she wrote alongside the video. Not only this she even dedicated a song titled Josh-e-Jahan that captured the positive spirit of the late actor.
Alongside she wrote, "JOSH-E-JAHAN It has been 90 Days Bhai left his physical body. This song is dedicated to honor and celebrate his ever-felt presence in our lives. #Justice4SSRIsGlobalDemand."
On Saturday, Shweta had reminded the late actor's fans about the campaign. "And let's not forget our tomorrow's campaign #Plant4SSR. Can't wait to see you guys planting trees for our beloved Sushant. What a wonderful constructive way to remember our Star by fulfilling his dreams," Shweta had tweeted.
Sushant was found dead at his Mumbai home on June 14. Initially, Mumbai Police had said it was a case of suicide. Prime accused and Sushant's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, and her brother Showik, are currently under arrest as part of investigation in the case. The death is being investigated by the CBI, Narcotics Control Bureau and Enforcement Directorate.
-With IANS inputs
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