Sushant Singh Rajput's last film Dil Bechara will premiere on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar, on July 24. "Sushant was not just the hero of my debut film as a director, but he was a dear friend who stood by me through thick and thin. We had been close right from ‘Kai Po Che' to ‘Dil Bechara'," said the film's director Mukesh Chhabra. Now, several Bollywood celebrities have taken to social media to promote Sushant Singh Rajput's last film Dil Bechara.
Rajkummar Rao, who was Sushant Singh Rajput's co-star in his debut flick Kai Po Che and later Raabta", captioned the poster of "Dil Bechara" with a red heart emoji.
Bhumi Pednekar also shared the poster of Bechara Dil on Instagram. She worked with the actor in Sonchiriya.
Bhumi recently shared a picture of all the notes she took when Sushant would introduce her to fascinating concepts of space, science and philosophy.
Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s co-star in the celebrated film, Chhichhore, Shraddha Kapoor also shared the film's psoter.
Recently, the actress remembered Sushant Singh Rajput and wrote, “Been trying to accept what has happened and coming to terms with it is very difficult. There is a huge void... Sushant...! Dearest Sush...! Full of humility, intelligence, curiosity about life, seeing beauty in everything, everywhere! He danced to his own tune! I always looked forward to seeing him on set, wondering what captivating interaction we would have next!”
Dil Bechara is the official remake of 2014 Hollywood romantic drama "The Fault in our Stars", based on John Green's popular novel of the same name. Budding actress Sanjana Sanghi stars opposite Sushant in the film.