Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut was busy decorating her sister Rangoli Chandel's new house during the lockdown. The family had a 'grah pravesh' puja a while back and have now, shifted to their new house. It was Rangoli's son Prithvi's first step into the new house and 'masi' Kangana Ranaut made it a special one with 'aarti, pooja and ofcourse halwa.' Rangoli took to social media to share photos from the special occasion.
Sharing the photos, Rangoli wrote, "Prithu’s maasi is an expert in making every little occasion in to a celebration.... when little Prithvi came home for the first time he was welcomed with aarti, Pooja and of course halwa"
Earlier, Rangoli had shared beautiful photos from the interiors of her new house that were decorated by Kangana Ranaut going out of the way for her. She complimented the actress for turning her house into a beautiful home.
Rangoli wrote, "When she asked me what kind of interiors do I like, I said I don’t like torn ,worn out, vintage ,old looking stuff, I don’t know what I like but I want new things to look new, I remember her face, that’s her style vintage, rustic ,worn out and totally purana looking things .... it was out of her comfort zone, she has been incessantly working on this and today when I saw her put finishing touches I was stunned, I can say one thing, this is not a house to me it’s heaven it’s a blessing ... P.S walls are waiting for paintings, heaters needs to be fixed, we don’t have much help she is setting up everything with her own hands but I just couldn’t wait , will post more when it’s all ready."
A few days ago, Rangoli revealed that since they could not have a party for their new house, they organized a small puja to celebrate it. She also said that her sister helped her wear the saree and also donned an old saree of her's as well. Rangoli wrote, "In this lockdown it was getting difficult to travel to my house site, luckily we were in green zone so Ajay and I decided to live in the house to get remaining exterior work done. We decided to postpone our house warming party and only did Pooja, in the morning when Kangana saw me leave for my house she was shocked to see me in my track suit, almost screamed aren’t you getting ready??"
On the professional front, Kangana Ranaut has some of the most anticipated movies in her bag. She is going to be portraying the role of late politician Jayalalithaa in the biopic Thalaivi. Along with Thalaivi, she also has another film called Tejas where she plays the role of an Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot. She also has film Dhadak in the pipeline in which she will be seen as a spy.
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