Actress Payal Rohatgi, who remains in limelight for her controversies, grabbed the eyeballs again when her Twitter account got suspended on Wednesday. She shared a screenshot of her account saying that her account has been suspended for unknown reasons. Sharing the screenshot Payal wrote alongside, "Just Now I am not able to tweet on my verified twitter handle It is SUSPENDED citing what reasons now #payalrohatgi." She next went to her Instagram and shared a video for her fans informing everyone about the same and asking her followers to help her restore her handle back. She further asked her fans to question 'Twitter India' as to why the account was suspended without giving any prior email. Soon her name started trending on the micro-blogging website along with a hashtag #BringBackPayal.
Payal in the video said, "No reason has been given, no email has been sent and my Twitter account has been suspended (taken down). I do not know what the reason behind the suspension is. It is for all of you (her followers) to figure out with Twitter India as to why they have deleted my account. Neither do I abuse people nor do I use any wrong word. I have obviously made attempts to share facts. However, this effort of mine has been projected in a bad light by liberals and people who are extremists, who control Twitter. Thus, I appeal to everyone to please urge Twitter to restore my handle, or else, I will be unable to connect with everyone."
Her videos were captioned, "Why my Twitter Account is SUSPENDED ?????," and "I want TWITTER suspended from India - Payal Rohatgi."
Have a look at how people on Twitter are reacting to her Twitter suspension:
On October 10, a complaint was lodged by Congress worker Charmesh Sharma against Payal for posting an objectionable video on Nehru and his family on Facebook and Twitter. Police lodged a case against her under section 504, 505(2) of the IPC and started an investigation. She was sent to judicial custody by the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate court of Bundi on charges of posting objectionable content on social media but was later granted bail.
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