Prime Minister Narendra Modi is celebrating his 70th birthday today on October 17, 2020. On this special occasion, many including Bollywood celebrities are extending their warm wishes to him on social media. Meanwhile, there have been moments in the past when PM has shared entertaining moments with the celebs. One such moment happened on the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The event was attended by Bollywood biggies like Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Kangana Ranaut, Ekta Kapoor and others. Not only this but in the year 2019 they were invited for a young delegation meet by PM Modi in Delhi.
During the meet PM Modi interacted with Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Ekta Kapoor, Sidharth Malhotra, Ayushmann Khurrana, Rajkummar Rao, Vicky Kaushal and directors Rohit Shetty, Karan Johar, and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari. The selfie of the same was also shared by Karan on Instagram where he wrote, "Powerful and timely conversations can bring about change and this was one of what we hope will become a regular conversation. Meeting the Honorable Prime Minister @narendramodi today was an incredible opportunity."
Hugging PM Modi, Ranveer Singh shared an adorable picture and wrote, "Jaadoo ki Jhappi! Joy to meet the Honourable Prime Minister of our great nation".
“Was an honor to meet and interact with the honorable Prime Minister. Very grateful to him for the reduction of gst which will be a big boost to the economics of our film industry. The actor added, “He was very receptive about our concerns which was honestly very cool”, said Varun Dhawan while sharing an honourable handshake with PM Modi.
Coming back to the Mahatma Gandhi event, it took place at the Lok Kalyan Marg, New Delhi where the celebrities talked about Gandhi’s idols and his contributions. Pictures from the event were shared by SRK on Insta where he wrote, "Thank u @narendramodi for hosting us & having such an open discussion on #ChangeWithin & the role artistes can play in spreading awareness of the msgs of The Mahatma. Also the idea of a University of Cinema is extremely opportune!"
Check out the glimpses of the event here:
In another event, PM Modi met 'Aashiqui 2' actors Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor.
Singer Sonu Nigam also grabbed the opportunity to be in the same frame as the PM.
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