Rhea Chakraborty on Thursday requested Union Home Minister Amit Shah to order a CBI inquiry to understand what "pressures" prompted actor Sushant Singh Rajput to take the extreme step of suicide. The 34-year-old actor was found dead in his Bandra apartment on June 14. In the initial investigation, the Mumbai Police had found that the actor was under medication for depression. Soon after girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty's request for a CBI probe into the sudden demise of Sushant, netizens have poured in several messages with #SSRCaseIsNotSuicide seeking justice for the late actor.
"The way we looked at bollywood completely changed after Sushant left and the later on reality of some facade so called celebs was exposed..Every image made in our mind about bollywood completely shattered", said a user. Another commented, "INDIA DEMANDS JUSTICE FOR SUSHANTAll Culprits have to be punished hard There are proofs and their sources all over SM.Indians are not going to buy lie and Lie-peddlers When we Unite, none can stopSushant DESERVED TO LIVE as much as we do #SSRCaseIsNotSuicide."
Addressing herself as Rajput's "girlfriend" for the first time in public, Chakraborty said though she has "complete faith" in the government, a CBI inquiry would help bring justice to the case."Respected @AmitShah sir, I'm Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. It is now over a month since his sudden demise. I have complete faith in the government, however in the interest of justice, I request you with folded hands to initiate a CBI enquiry into this matter," the 28-year-old actor wrote on Instagram alongside Rajput's photo.
"I only want to understand what pressures prompted Sushant to take this step.Yours sincerely, Rhea Chakraborty. #satyamevajayate," she added.