Bollywood are known for welcoming the new year in a grand manner. While some celebrated the New Year with family, others were spotted with friends. During this, Bollywood actress Mouni Roy was seen celebrating the New Year with her husband Suraj Nambiar and her friend and actor Disha Patani. However, a video of the Brahmastra actor is going viral on social media, in which she was seen coming out with friends after celebrating New Year's. However, Mouni seemed a bit uneasy and late she stumbled and fell on the ground.
Disha Patani seen with Mouni Roy
Mouni was trying to reach her car however, before that she tripped and seemed distressed. Her husband and best friend Disha Patani were seen supporting her and making her sit in the car. All three were twinning in black coloured outfits.
Fans' reaction
At the same time, social media users had all kinds of reactions in the comment section. Some were seen asking about Mouni whether she was fine or not, while others called her out for being drunk. One user wrote, 'Why do you drink so much when you can't bear it.' Another comment read, 'Lagta hai jyada hogyi hai aaj'.
Mouni has been seen in these films
Mouni will next be seen in Salakaar, this year. This film is directed by Khuda Hafiz famed Farooq Kabir. At the same time, Disha Patani will be seen in 'Welcome to the Jungle' in the coming time. This film will be directed by Ahmed Khan. The multi-starrer also features Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Sunil Shetty and Anil Kapoor among others. Apart from this, she was also seen in Mohit Suri's 'Malang 2'. Before this, she was seen with Prabhas in Kalki 2898 AD. Then she was also seen in a small role in Surya's film Kanguva.