Counted amongst one of the fittest Indian celebrities, actor-model Milind Soman has been impressing us with his social media posts. Be it workout videos or photos with his beautiful wife Ankita Konwar, Milind has been a true source of entertainment and inspiration for us. Last month he asked his fans whether he should keep his beard or not -- to which his wife was quick to respond and said she wants him to become a 'bearded farmer.' Well, now it seems that the man has made his wife's wish come true! In a recent video that he posted on Instagram, Milind can be seen picking the fresh produce from his kitchen garden which he set up when the lockdown was imposed in the month of March.
The video was shared on Friday on Instagram and captioned, "Finally a Bearded farmer as @ankita_earthy wanted! Happiness really is growing your own food. Built a small greenhouse or 'Sabzee ka Ghar' as the caretaker calls it, just before lockdown and now it’s just green, green, green, and a bit of purple, red and yellow too! #happiness #food #vegetables #green #fitness #health #love little wife :)"
Have a look at his post here:
The video shows Milind picking cucumbers, brinjals, and other vegetables from his lush green garden. As soon as he posted the video and photos, his fans could not stop themselves from commenting and wrote, "Very nice can u pls share videos on planting veggies .. my husband’s kheera ka paudha never gave sabzi," "This is incredibly beautiful! You truly are na inspiration. Where did you build it but? It looks specious!," etc. There were many who called him atma nirbhar (self-reliant). Check out the comments here:
On Thursday, Milind listed out benefits of eating a melon as he wrote, "How many things can you do with a melon ? Before you eat it I eat fruits every morning, whatever is seasonal, a whole watermelon, a whole papaya, 5-6 mangoes, some bananas, yes all together sometimes it takes me an hour!!! And then I rub the skins on my face :)."
Talking about Milind's beard or no beard post it read, "The world is grappling with a pandemic and I have question fatigue on what's the best way for governments to restart after lockdown, what will life be like, will vaccines be mandatory, which businesses will do well, is my immunity dropping sitting at home, should I become a farmer, what is the meaning of happiness. So, a simple question for me today is beard? Or no beard?"
He recently mentioned on Twitter that he is no longer available on Chinese short-video making application TikTok. "Am no longer on tiktok. #BoycottChineseProducts," tweeted Soman.
On the professional front, Milind was last seen in Amazon Prime web-series Four More Shots Please! season 2.
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