Bollywood singer Mika Singh recently gatecrashed a wedding. He took to Instagram and Sunday (December 26) and shared a video of him surprising guests at a wedding with his performance. The Punjabi singer was also accompanied by his friend Rahul Vaidya. In the video, he can be casually walking at the venue towards the stage and sharted singing his hit number Sawan Mein Lag Gayi Aag. After his performance, Mika addressed the guests and said, "Wedding crash kar ke aaya hoon, uninvited, but I hope you guys enjoyed."
Take a look:
He also complimented the performers at the wedding and said, "I just saw this girl (the singer), she's beautiful. You are singing very good. Main isko abhi Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa pe mila tha, maine socha main hi bol du..”
Later, Mika informed guests that Rahul Vaidya was also with him. “We have Rahul Vaidya as well,” he said.
In no time his post was bombarded with comments from the fans. Praising the singer, one of them wrote, "One of my favorite song, You are My favourite. You rock Bhai." Few fans also requested Mika to come to tier wedding. "Woww…whenever i get married..u gotta do the same," a fan wrote.
'Sawan Mein Lag Gayi Aag' is one of Mika Singh's most iconic songs. The song was released in 1998. The revised version of it was used recently in the film Indoo Ki Jawani, starring Kiara Advani and Aditya Seal. This song was remixed by U.S based singer Pinky Paras also.