Kareena Kapoor Khan never ceases to stun fans. Be it her photoshoots or a casual day out with family, the actress makes sure to leave a mark with her sartorial choices. Monday was no different. The actress made heads turn as she returned to work a month after delivering her second son. Pictures and videos of the actress from the shoot location are going viral on social media and Kareena looks ravishing in them. The second time mommy looks fit and the post-pregnancy glow on her face is unmissable as she was spotted arriving for a shoot in Mumbai's Bandra.
Kareena was spotted wearing a calf-length summer dress with quarter sleeves. She kept her hair open and opted for a nude makeup look. On the accessories front, she kept it minimal, with blingy necklaces around her neck. To complete her look, she opted for a pair of nude heels. Check out her stunning pics:
Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second baby boy on February 21. She delivered her second baby at Mumbai's Breach Candy Hospital. Saif and Kareena reportedly started dating after "Tashan". They got married in 2012 and Kareena gave birth to their first child, son Taimur, in 2016.
On the work front, Kareena looks forward to the release of Laal Singh Chaddha. The film is the official Hindi remake of Hollywood film "Forrest Gump" starring Tom Hanks.
Kareena and Aamir are sharing screen space together for the third time after "Talaash: The Answer Lies Within" (2012) and "3 Idiots" (2009).