Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut who was busy shooting for her film 'Tejas' in New Delhi, has wrapped up the same. A while ago, the 'Queen' actress took to her social media handle to update her fans about wrapping up the Delhi schedule for Tejas. Kangana looked forward to heading to her 'favourite place' Rajasthan for the next leg of the shoot. The shooting schedule will start tomorrow. With a sweet note, She took to her Twitter and wrote that even though Sarvesh Mewara was a first-time director, it did not feel the same.
The actress shared a photo featuring herself and Sarvesh as they indulge in some chat, post-shoot. In the photo, Kangana could be seen donning a white-brown sweater paired with denim and had minimal makeup look. She also shared a photo of a sweet treat she devoured in celebration after wrapping up the Delhi schedule.
Sharing a picture with her director on Twitter the actress wrote, "Today team Tejas successfully completed Delhi schedule, our commander in Chief @sarveshmewara1 is a first time director but it seems he has been making movies all his life and good ones. Tomorrow off to my most favourite place Rajasthan for next schedule."
Take a look:
The first schedule of the film began in Mumbai and the actress later flew down to Delhi with her crew, where she met Union Minister Prakash Javadekar. Talking about her experience, Kangana shared a picture with the honorable minister and wrote, "Today after the shoot got an opportunity to meet Honourable Minister Shri @PrakashJavdekar ji, discussed various issues especially discrimination against women and outsiders in the film Industry. Thank you for your compassion, insight and guidance sir."
Apart from this, Kangana will also be seen in spy-thriller Dhaakad in which she plays the role of a spy. The actress is also gearing up for the release of Thalaivi. The film is all set to release in theatres on April 23.