Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone prefers "checking herself out after eating birthday cake all week", but in a rather unusual way. Deepika made the revelation while sharing a boomerang clip on Instagram. However, Deepika does not use a regular mirror. In the clip, she is seen catching her reflection in a spoon! "Checking myself out after eating birthday cake all week! #birthday #celebration," she captioned the video, which currently has over 823K views.
Incidentally, while on birthday cakes, July 6 was the birthday of Deepika's husband, actor Ranveer Singh. Actor Kartik Aaryan took to the comment section and wrote: "Itni saaf chammach? (Such a clean spoon?)"
On Thursday, Deepika was super nostalgic while sharing a few old pictures with her friends. Along with the images, she emphasised on the importance of roots in life. The photographs appear to be from Deepika's school days -- perhaps from a college trip.
"They say look ahead...But ever so often remind yourself about where you've come from and everything it has taken to get to where you are on this incredible journey," Deepika wrote on Instagram.
During the lockdown, Deepika has treated her fans with a lot of her old pictures. Last month, on her father's birthday, she posted a wish along with a childhood picture.
On the work front, Deepika has a role in the cricket drama "83" starring Ranveer. She also stars in an untitled upcoming film with Ananya Panday.